
Let's build something legendary together!

Weather App

Weather App

Next JS / Tailwind / OpenWeather API



This Weather App that I developed using Next JS, Tailwind CSS, and the OpenWeather API. This project highlights my expertise in frontend development, UI design, and API integration to create a dynamic and user-friendly weather application. The Weather App allows users to get real-time weather information for any location worldwide. Leveraging the OpenWeather API, users can access current weather conditions, forecasts, and detailed weather data such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and more. Next JS, a React framework, powers the frontend of the app, providing server-side rendering for faster page loads and improved SEO. This also enables a seamless user experience with smooth navigation and dynamic content updates. Tailwind CSS is used for styling the Weather App, offering a utility-first approach that speeds up development while maintaining a clean and modern design. The responsive layout ensures optimal viewing on various devices, from desktops to smartphones. The integration with the OpenWeather API allows users to search for weather information by location or use geolocation to fetch weather data based on their current location. Users can also view weather maps, historical weather data, and customize settings for a personalized experience.With Next JS handling routing, Tailwind CSS for styling, and the OpenWeather API for weather data, this Weather App demonstrates my ability to create functional and visually appealing web applications while leveraging powerful tools and APIs.


Next JS


OpenWeather API
